Revibin Story

As a busy mom who managed many things daily, I needed to revitalize my mind, body, and soul. However, I could not afford to attend massages, acupuncture, or holistic doctors. As a result, I had to figure out a way to revive. I found many modalities to help support myself and my family's life. Before you know it, I picked tools to maintain a high-vibing life. With that, I decided to give other busy moms tools and modalities to help in recovering from the busy day and continue living a fulfilled life. Therefore, Revibin was born.

Revibin (Revibing) means resetting yourself to maintain or return to calm: to change or switch up to a better or higher vibration: to restore a state of mind that provides flow, fulfillment, joy, and happiness.

Revibin is to improve women's lifestyles from the start of the day to the end. It provides women with tools, clothing, and accessories to live the Revibin lifestyle. Conscious choices will lead to a better, happier world.